Protection planning
Protection answers our fundamental desire to keep safe things that we hold dear.
Choosing which specific types of insurance should be a priority for you can be a tricky task.
Which of the following insurance covers would be top of your priority list?
- Major illness, e.g. heart attack
- Stolen credit cards
- Your family surviving without your income
Most people feel that all of the above insurance covers are important to them.
But how many of them do you currently have?
Providing protection cover in the various forms of life, critical illness and disability solutions is one of the fundamentals of our business.
Working with carefully selected providers, we offer an extensive product range including:
- Life Cover (including Term Assurance and Whole of Life)
- Critical Illness
- Income Protection
- Employee Benefits
- Private Medical Insurance
These are just a selection of the solutions available.
We would love to sit down with you and discuss your own personal circumstances, before tailoring a solution specifically for your needs.